Floating yoga

Shavasana In The Float Tank; The First Ten Sessions

  Combining yoga and floating to pursue meditative growth begins. For me, the most obvious place where these practices cross over is shavasana, or corpse pose in the tank. Here … Continue Reading →

Float tank

The Intertwining of Yoga and Floating

  Two modalities of exploring inner space are the practice of yoga and the practice of floating. My journey to understand my own personal inner space has brought me to … Continue Reading →

Early CAD Model of the Tank dated 12-26-13

The Float Tank Design and Build; The First Steps on the Path…

So these topics didn’t develop over night for me. Some time ago, it was a winter’s evening in 2005, I went to the dollar movies with my girlfriend of the … Continue Reading →

Sea of LIghts- LA at Dawn

Consciousness and the Sea of Lights…

  Consciousness and the Sea of Lights… In the Fall of 1998 I enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Florida. I had recently attained an MS in … Continue Reading →