The Intertwining of Yoga and Floating


Two modalities of exploring inner space are the practice of yoga and the practice of floating. My journey to understand my own personal inner space has brought me to both of these practices somewhat independently. In some other ways, however, it seems like I have been guided by an underlying and unifying cosmic theme, or driving force and that both of these are parts of that greater whole. My plan is to continue learning from both and use them as complementary forms of study on my own path.

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A couple of years ago I was unwittingly introduced to yoga as part of the P90X series from Tony Horton. I have exercised continuously since 1990 and my undergrad degree was a BS in exercise physiology. I have lifted weights, become a runner, studied martial arts and much more. Only yoga has given me such a consistent and accessible sense of well-being after practicing it.

The tangible feeling of purging poisons and toxins from my body and the day to day changes in my body that are pointed out by each pose, these are the rewards. Some days they are steps forward, but other days reveal unexpected accumulations of stress that must be worked through. It is not something that can be predicted, but only becomes apparent as you pass through the poses and study your personal mind-body relationship.

Other parts of this blog discuss the design and building of a float tank that I now use on a frequent basis. Given the depth of study that I wished to undertake, I felt I needed my own tank, though I didn’t want to invest in the many tens of thousands of dollars a commercial tank would cost. That’s covered in depth elsewhere, suffice it to say that I have completed the tank and it is a fully functioning chamber 20140922_111926 crop rotwhere I can explore inner space. As of this writing I’ve logged 41 sessions in the tank and had some amazing experiences that will be related in other posts.

The journey I am planning to capture in this portion of the blog is the combination studies of yoga and floating together. To me the most obvious place to start is Shavasana in the tank and that is what I will be capturing initially. My intention is to perform 10 sessions and record the outcomes then compile them into a post that I can add here. After that, I will plan the next step.

I am not an expert yogi and I am relatively new to floating, so I’m sure my experiences will change over the course of things due to learning about both, as well as, the unique experience of combining the two.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for future updates.


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